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  3. Arctic Fur Bean Bag

Arctic Fur Bean Bag - Cashmere


Colour: Cashmere

Size: Regular - 100cm

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Sink into frosty-inspired comfort with our luxurious Arctic Fur Bean Bag. With warm cashmere tones and a removable, machine-washable cover, it’s the perfect plush statement piece for any space.


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    • Includes: One fur bean bag cover and one durable inner liner.
    • Available in two sizes.
    • With the help of the removable cover, and inner liner, our Arctic Bean Bags make maintenance a breeze - just pop the cover in the washing machine for easy cleaning!
    • When making your purchase, consider adding our sensory foam filling for enhanced comfort, available on this page. Please note, the default option is for the bean bag cover only.
    • All of our sizes and weights are approximate.
    • To comply with Australian Law, the outside zipper pull is removed and can be opened with a paperclip.
    • Filling is sold separately. Beans and accessories are not included. Please note that we do not sell beans at Ivory & Deene, and these will have to be sourced elsewhere.

Introducing the Arctic Fur Bean Bag in luxurious cashmere, designed to elevate any space with the soft, plush feel. This stunning piece, with its elegant textured finish, adds a touch of sophistication to living rooms, bedrooms, or cosy reading nooks. The cool, classy tones of the Arctic Fur blend seamlessly with neutral palettes or bold decor, making it a versatile statement piece. Perfect for those seeking both comfort and timeless style, this bean bag is an effortless way to bring luxury and warmth into your home. Ideal for creating a serene and inviting atmosphere, the Arctic Fur Bean Bag is where indulgence meets elegant design.

Colour Silver and White Hues with a Dark Undertone
Fabric Textured Faux Fur - Polyester
Regular Size
100cm diameter 
Regular Filling Recommendations A
ll beans: 300L
All foam: 320L
Mixed: 100L beans / 200L foam
Large Size 112cm diameter
Large Filling Recommendations

All beans: 450L
All foam: 520L
Mixed: 200L beans / 320L foam

With your convenience in mind, we designed our Arctic range with a removable, machine-washable cover, making your bean bag effortless to clean, while the liner holds the filling safely. For smaller stains, we recommend gently spot cleaning without harsh chemicals to maintain the fabric’s quality and longevity.

Items* may be eligible for a change of mind return and refund when lodged within 14 days of receiving the item. Product must meet eligibility as outlined here.

Live shipping rates are calculated at checkout. We support a variety of couriers providing convenient and competitive shipping options.

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Order before 12:30pm AEST and we’ll dispatch your items on the same day.

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5.0 Rating

14 reviews


27 January 2025

Arctic fur bean bag

Very happy with purchase

Pamela S

11 November 2024

Looks great

Looks great

Michael T

12 August 2024

Comfy and well made

The beanbag is soft and well made. I love the inside liner. Should have purchased two!


6 November 2023

Love it

Great option for spare chair is my beautiful looking comfortable bean bag. I only bought regular as I need it to look good but fit in smaller area and it is perfect! Filled with beans originally but took out some and found adding the foam was much easier but also more comfortable! We love it and such a great solution for an extra chair!!!

Debbie M - Sydney, AU

7 July 2023

Super Comfy

Ordered my second Large Bean Bag recently. The first I filled with majority Memory Foam and some beans for myself the second I filled with mainly beans for my husband. We both have the Large Arctic Fur Bean Bag - Cashmere and they are super big and super comfy. My one tip is, the worst thing about filling a beanbag is overfilling it!!

Kristen - Sydney, AU

2 April 2023


Great for my allergies, all synthetic and feels soft and plush.

Thomas L - Sydney, AU

12 December 2022

Very comfy and lovely soft fabric

We love our beanbags and chairs. They are very comfortable. Stuffing them with foam was a messy task but worth the hassle.

Erica N - Sydney, AU

2 November 2022


I absolutely love my new bean bag. I didn’t know if Luke be this good. So comfortable. Mostly foam with a bag of beans. Just have to fight the kids off it

Lex H - Sydney, AU