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  3. Casablanca Crystal Pendant Chandelier

Casablanca Crystal Pendant Chandelier - Chrome


Colour: Chrome

Size: 40cm

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Our stunning Casablanca crystal ball shaped chandelier is decorated with glass crystals that are neatly suspended from a polished chrome metal globe. A truly decadent traditional ceiling pendant.


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Our stunning Casablanca crystal ball shaped chandelier is decorated with glass crystals that are neatly suspended from a polished chrome metal globe. A truly decadent traditional ceiling pendant.

    Brand Ivory & Deene
    Style Casablanca
    Colour Chrome
    Size 30cm or 40cm Diameter
    Ceiling Canopy 12cm diameter
    Globe Type E26/E27 Edison Screw
    Chain Length 120cm
    Maximum Chain Length 120cm
    Material Metal and Glass
    Number of Globes 1

    - This listing is for 1 single pendant light
    - Globe is not included
    - Suitable for indoor domestic or commercial applications
    - Sizes are approximate
    - Cord length is adjustable
    - Also available in Antique Brass
    Approximate weight of 30cm Pendant 3kg
    Approximate weight of 40cm Pendant 4kg
    - Please inspect all lighting fixtures for any cosmetic imperfections before installing and disposing of the products packaging. Ivory & Deene is not responsible for physical damage after the fixture is installed.

    - SAA Approved

    Items* may be eligible for a change of mind return and refund when lodged within 14 days of receiving the item. Product must meet eligibility as outlined here.

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    Order before 12:30pm AEST and we’ll dispatch your items on the same day.

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    5.0 Rating

    15 reviews


    25 October 2023


    I absolutely love this pendant. I was a little unsure of getting this as I wasn’t sure whether the quality would be at the level I wanted for a newly renovated house but when i saw it in person I was super pleased and suprised at just how beautiful it was. Even better when it was installed. More than happy with this purchase.

    Tab M

    18 October 2023

    Beautiful light and top service to go with it.

    love the light... is stunning. and the service was speedy & fast with no complaints. chat box on website is good also - lots of companies take ages to respond but these guys were onto it!


    24 July 2023

    Absolutely stunning

    These lights are so much more beautiful in real life! Super quick delivery and great communication! We actually bought 3 more!!

    Carolyn S

    14 June 2023

    These beautiful lights are way

    These beautiful lights are way better in reality! Absolutely love them and such a great price! Delivery was super fast!

    Carolyn S

    22 November 2022

    My favorite on line purchase ever!

    I love, love, love, my purchases from I&D. Always just as displayed on the website, superb customer service and fast delivery. 100% Recommend.

    Sharon W

    7 November 2022

    Beautiful pendant. Looks divine in

    Beautiful pendant. Looks divine in my bathroom.

    Carla C

    27 October 2022


    My new lights look absolutely amazing Thank you

    Susan N

    2 August 2022

    Fantastic! Was just what i

    Fantastic! Was just what i was looking for, and postage was so quick!!

    Michelle F