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  3. Madrid Macrame Hanging Chair Swing

Madrid Macrame Hanging Chair Swing - Black


Colour: Black

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  • Includes: One gorgeous hammock chair with top rings.
  • The crowd favourite Madrid is also available in French White or Natural tones - explore the full range for your ideal fit. 
  • Our hanging kits are sold separately at Ivory & Deene and are designed to make creating your perfect setup a breeze! Alternatively, you can hang your hammock with a securely positioned, weight-bearing 'S' hook.
  • Cushions and accessories are not included.
  • All sizes and weights are approximate. 

Experience ultimate relaxation with our Brazilian designed macrame hammock chairs, effortless inspiration for style and quality. Perfect for your veranda, backyard, or favourite tree, these elegant hammock chairs create a serene escape. Simply install using a screw hook in a wooden beam, attach a tree strap to a sturdy branch, or hang it from a stand. Hanging kit sold separately. Transform any space into a haven of comfort and charm with ease.

Need help hanging your new hammock chair? Click Here

Colour Black
Size Seat Diameter 60cm
Back Rest Circle Diameter 80cm
Back Rest Height 45cm
Height 135cm
Maximum Weight Capacity 120kg
Product Weight 3.3kg
    To keep your hammock in top condition, clean it with a mild detergent and always let it dry completely to prevent mould or mildew. Protect your hammock from the elements by placing it in shaded areas or using a protective cover when left outdoors for extended periods. Additionally, check the hardware and suspension systems regularly to ensure they remain secure and safe for use.

    Items* may be eligible for a change of mind return and refund when lodged within 14 days of receiving the item. Product must meet eligibility as outlined here.

    Live shipping rates are calculated at checkout. We support a variety of couriers providing convenient and competitive shipping options.

    Express Delivery

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    5.0 Rating

    8 reviews


    1 February 2023

    My mother loves it was

    My mother loves it was a birthday gift

    Tylah G

    10 June 2022

    Swing chair

    Second chair I have brought for my granddaughters 😊 they luv them and look so nice I’m their room.

    Chez - Melbourne, AU

    11 January 2022

    Macrame hanging chair swing - white

    Love, love, love our new hanging chairs!! Beautiful quality and so comfy to relax in 💙💙💙

    Di - Melbourne, AU

    28 December 2021

    A Christmas treat

    Our daughter was over the moon to receive this gift at Christmas! Now it’s hanging from the ceiling in her room and she has her own little sanctuary.

    Patricia S - Adelaide, AU

    16 October 2021

    Love it!

    I bought this for my daughters 3rd birthday, it was super easy to put up (hung from roof) and the staff I spoke to online were amazing, they were very helpful and replied so quickly! Definitely going to buy one for my other daughter and one for myself outside!

    Kayla S - Melbourne, AU

    29 December 2020


    We bought this for my 13 year old daughter for Christmas, super comfy and holds its shape, doesn't pull in around like a hammock, love it.


    13 December 2020

    I was extremely happy with

    I was extremely happy with the service I received and the staff I spoke to on the phone were extremely friendly and helpful. My purchase is a Christmas gift so I’ll have to review the quality after it’s used..


    13 May 2020


    Our family absolutely LOVE our hammocks!!! We have one in the study and another in my daughter's bedroom. So pretty, comfortable and stylish!!
