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  3. Silky Soft Bamboo Sheet Set

Silky Soft Bamboo Sheet Set - White


Colour: White

Size: White - Queen

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Sink into luxury with our silky soft, White Bamboo Sheet Set. Hypoallergenic, breathable, and perfect for year-round comfort. This lustrous 400-thread count set will elevate your sleep to a new level.


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  • Includes: One fitted sheet, one flat sheet and two standard, matching pillowcases.
  • Available in two sizes.
  • Matching Quilt Covers, featured in King or Queen sizes, are sold separately. 
  • Ivory & Deene offers this stunning product in a variety of colours, including silver, latte, black, charcoal, and more.
  • Naturally antibacterial, hypoallergenic and temperature regulating. 

Elevate your sleep with Ivory & Deene's luxurious bamboo sheet set. Silky soft and gentle against the skin, this 400-thread count bedding offers unrivalled comfort. Naturally hypoallergenic and antibacterial, bamboo ensures a peaceful, refreshing night’s sleep. With superior temperature control, it keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter. Once you’ve experienced the gentle embrace of bamboo, you’ll never want to return to ordinary bedding. Perfect for those who value comfort and elegance in their nightly routine.

Colour White
Material 400 Thread Count 100% Bamboo
King Size Two Pillowcases: 50cm x 75cm 
Flat Sheet: 260cm x 275cm
Fitted Sheet: 183cm x 203cm + 40cm deep wall
Queen Size Two Pillowcases: 50cm x 75cm 
Flat Sheet: 240cm x 274cm
Fitted Sheet: 152cm x 203cm + 40cm deep wall
To care for your bamboo bedding, use a mild detergent and wash on a gentle cycle with cool water. Avoid hot water, bleach, or fabric softeners. For best results, air dry in the sun or use a dryer on a low, gentle heat setting.

Items* may be eligible for a change of mind return and refund when lodged within 14 days of receiving the item. Product must meet eligibility as outlined here.

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5.0 Rating

19 reviews


1 October 2024

Super soft

Amazing first time purchasing from this small business. The sheets are so soft and amazing! Definetly recommend

Merve G - Melbourne, AU

22 May 2024

So soft!

Beautiful sheets to sleep on - super soft - and great deep pockets that fit a deep mattress. I have bought 3 sets over time. They are great!

Shelley B - Sydney, AU

28 December 2023

Beautiful 😍

Beautiful 😍

Amanda B

18 December 2023

Bamboo Duvet & Sheet Sets

Love the feel of the bamboo sheets on my skin.. we have 2 sets of the duvet and sheet sets, we love them. The only downside, it doesn’t come in a super king size

Diana V - Melbourne, AU

2 November 2023


The fabric is so soft and thick! Highly recommend these sheets if you are looking for high quality. And the black is perfect.

Jazmin M - Perth, AU

26 September 2023

Best services and materials ever!

Best services and materials ever! Me and my partner love it.

Jerry T - Sydney, AU

18 September 2023

The quality of the sheets

The quality of the sheets are terrific, we also love how deep the fitted sheet is so that it doesn’t untuck from the corners. The price is perfect and we will certainly be ordering again.

Luke F

16 August 2023

Super silky, also the easiest

Super silky, also the easiest fitted sheet I’ve ever owned, no trouble getting it on the mattress by myself. Gorgeous colour.

Lilian S